
Can Technology Revolutionize Mental Health Diagnoses?

JJ Foster

Advancements in technology are poised to transform the landscape of mental health diagnoses, ...

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Know How Much Time Does it Actually Take to Fall in Love

Philippa Smythe

Ever fallen in love at first sight or lived the friends-to-lovers trope in real life? No one really ...

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Astronomers Discover the 1st-Ever Merging Galaxy Cores at Cosmic Dawn

Susie Greene

Astronomers have made an exciting discovery: they spotted two super-bright quasars, which are ...

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Insights From Sports Psychology Research: What You Need to Know

JJ Foster

Sports psychology explores how the mind influences athletic performance. Researchers study mental ...

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The Science Behind the Urge: How Our Bodies Know When It’s Time to Pee

JJ Foster

Ever wonder how your body knows when it's time to head to the bathroom? The process is more ...

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Can Sauna Sessions Help with Depression? What a New Study Shows

Layla B.

A recent study has shed light on the potential benefits of sauna therapy for individuals struggling ...

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How Your Health May Depend on Neanderthal DNA

JJ Foster

You might be surprised to learn that our ancient Neanderthal ancestors, who lived tens of thousands ...

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How Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?

Veronica Franco

Cats possess a remarkable ability to always land on their feet when they fall, a skill that has ...

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The Crucial Role of Sea Otters in California’s Kelp Forests

Veronica Franco

Sea otters play a critical role in the health of California's kelp forests, forming an essential ...

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Exploring the World’s Largest Waterfall

Simon Saunders

Tucked away in the dense jungles of Venezuela's Canaima National Park lies Angel Falls, the largest ...

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Why Kangaroos Might Pose a Threat to Dogs

Nolan Sandome

Kangaroos, iconic marsupials of Australia, are known for their unique behaviors, including their ...

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Cicada Double Brood Event: What to Expect When Trillions of Bugs Emerge in Eastern US

Simon Saunders

Get ready for the cicada invasion! A rare double brood event is set to occur in the Eastern United ...

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The Alarming Rise of Stomach Cancer Among Young Women

Francesca Vega

Stomach cancer, once thought to predominantly affect older adults, is increasingly striking a ...

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Scientists Create a Prosthetic Limb That Can Sense Temperature

Layla B.

In recent years, the field of prosthetics has witnessed remarkable progress, particularly in the ...

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Exploring the Potential of Brain Implants in Treating Dependency

L Johnson

Addiction is a complex and debilitating disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, often ...

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Video Showing Sky ‘Turning Off’ Seems to Prove There’s a Glitch in the Matrix

Layla B.

Simulation theory is the idea that our reality isn’t reality at all and we’re actually living in a ...

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NASA Says Voyager 1 Is Glitching

Mike Vega

NASA recently reported a perplexing issue with the Voyager 1 probe, revealing that it's sending an ...

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Why Cats Chew on Plastic + How to Get Them to Stop

Layla B.

If you're baffled by your cat’s tendency to chew on plastic, rest assured that you’re not the only ...

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Tracing the Origins of the World’s Oldest Forest

Mike Vega

The humble tree root acts as nature's digestive system, turning essential sustenance like CO2 and ...

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Saturn’s Rings to Vanish From 2025 to 2032

Mike Vega

For avid stargazers and astronomy enthusiasts, the countdown has begun for a celestial spectacle ...

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Love, Play, or Warning? Interpreting Your Cat’s Stare

Mike Vega

Cats are interesting creatures with a slew of peculiar behaviors. One of the most common actions is ...

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The Morning Coffee Dilemma: Is it the Right Start to Your Day?

Penny King

Surgeon Dr. Karan Raj has gained a massive following on TikTok for his medical advice and facts ...

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The Strangest Inventions Silicon Valley Gave Us in the 2010s

Daniel Miller

Technology is all over the place these days, and the people who are supposed to buy it are ...

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Here’s a Look Into How Whales Sleep

Mike Vega

Whales and dolphins have long captivated humankind, but our planet’s biggest animals still retain ...

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One of Earth’s Great Mysteries of How the Egyptians Moved Pyramid Stones Has Been Solved

Oliver Hamilton

The pyramids at Giza have long been regarded as one of the enduring riddles of the Earth. These ...

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From Farm to Table: The Fascinating Journey of Asparagus

Mike Vega

Asparagus has been gaining popularity once again as people are discovering the fascinating process ...

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Scientists Shed Light on the Enigmatic Gravity Hole in the Indian Ocean

Mike Vega

In the depths of the Indian Ocean lies a puzzling phenomenon that has intrigued scientists for ...

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A Video Capturing the ‘Real Speed of Planes’ Shows Just How Fast They Actually Go

Mike Vega

Have you ever wondered how fast planes actually go? Sometimes, it's hard to tell because they're ...

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This Man Won the Lottery 14 Times Using Math

Mike Vega

Engaging in the lottery is a risky and clueless business for most, to say the least. Everyone ...

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Is it Possible for Animals to Feel Embarrassed?

Nolan Sandome

We know that when you leave your house every day for work, your dog can get upset but also ...

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Honey Benefits That Would Make You Want to Consume it Everyday

Philippa Smythe

Most of us have heard of home remedies which are all centered around the goodness of honey. For ...

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Are You Afraid That You Might Be Tone-Deaf?

Polly Rosie

Do you think you hear or sing differently than others? Or do you think you may be tone-deaf? But is ...

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Science Explains Why Your Weight Decreases Near the Equator

Nolan Sandome

It’s always fascinating to learn about interesting things in regard to planet Earth. Be it silly ...

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8 Billion: A Milestone of Population on Earth

Nolan Sandome

There is no doubt that the current population on Earth is the highest yet. But if you were told to ...

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45 Rare Albino Animals You Won’t Believe Exist

Mike Vega

Albino alligators are found in isolated pockets where the waters remain unfrozen during the winter. ...

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Cat Peorson or Dog Lover? Who Is More Intelligent?

Polly Rosie

If you've ever had a pet, you know how much they can affect your life. You might even find that ...

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Five Years Ago, SpaceX Launched a Tesla to Space — Where Is it Now?

Polly Rosie

Elon Musk's Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) is known for being one of the most innovative ...

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Simulation Shows the Experience of Falling Into a Black Hole

Philippa Smythe

If you are a curious person, then what we are going to talk about today is definitely going to grab ...

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What to Know About Aphantasia — Image-Free Thinking

Philippa Smythe

Think about you enjoying a beautiful sunset at a beach. A colorful sky, sparkling water hitting the ...

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Those Squiggly Thing Impairing Your Vision Sometimes Are Actually Called Floaters

Oliver Hamilton

A person might have excellent eyesight altogether, but sometimes they might see weird floaty things ...

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Lone moose spotted on the Sunrise Road in Washington

Mike Vega

It’s fascinating how nature works. A species that you might have not thought to see wandering the ...

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You May Not Actually Need to Drink Two Liters of Water a Day, Suggest Scientists

Mike Vega

Growing up, we have all read about how important water is for the human body and that one should ...

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For the First Time, Rats Were Found Bobbing Their Heads to Music

Mike Vega

We have all heard about how much humans enjoy partying and music, but it seems animals have joined ...

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The JWST Captures a Beautiful Photo of a Spiral Galaxy

Nolan Sandome

Since its launch in December 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has allowed humans to get ...

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Scientists Claim JSWT Data Liable to Be Misinterpreted by Existing Model

Nolan Sandome

The James Webb Space Telescope (JSWT) has helped make a lot of progress in our study of space. One ...

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Ancient Hominins of Sri Lanka: Who Was the Balangoda Man?

Mike Vega

A group that was settled in various parts of Sri Lanka, The Balangoda Man, dates back to the ...

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Research Shows Dogs Have Emotional Reunions With Their Favorite Human

Mike Vega

Dogs are so emotionally connected to their owners that they end up in tears when they see them ...

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What the Location of a Pimple Reveals About Its Cause and How to Fight It

Oliver Hamilton

There is a type of pimple that breaks out repeatedly, following a pattern in the same place on the ...

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Do Spiders Dream? REM-Like Sleep Behavior in Jumping Spiders Suggests They Might

Mike Vega

So far, only mammals and birds have been proven to dream. But now, the same team of neuroscientists ...

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Scientists Use Dead Spiders as Claw Machines in Unique Study

Mike Vega

A team of scientists recently conducted an interesting experiment with dead spiders and the claw ...

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There Is Finally Proof About the Existence of Milky Seas

Simon Saunders

The world is full of mysteries, and many of those mysteries surround the ocean. The oceans hide ...

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One of the Galaxies Captured By JSWT Really Is 30 Billion Light Years Away and People Are Confused

Mike Vega

There will probably never be a day when we uncover all the mysteries that the universe holds, but ...

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