Three-Toed Sloth
The three-toed sloth looks ugly; however, it’s pretty endearing. With its large head, small ears, and two round eyes, its features are far from perfect, but it somehow becomes an adorable creature. Its fur is a mottled grey, white and yellow color that grows in a pattern of short, bristly tufts all over its body.

Its long limbs are also covered in fur, and each of its three toes forms a hook it uses to hang in trees. Its front claws are curved and sharp, used for catching and clinging onto branches and other objects. We recommend that you enjoy this wonder of nature from a distance.
Hairless Cat
Hairless cats are unique animals. While they may look intimidating initially, they have a distinct charm and are surprisingly affectionate. Hairless cats are also quite rare, as only a few breeds exist, including the Sphynx, Peterbald, and Donskoy.

While these cats lack fur, they still require regular grooming to ensure their skin stays healthy. Also, due to their sensitive nature, they can often be found cuddling up in warm places. They prefer the company of their human owners over other animals.
The axolotl is a salamander species found in Central America’s lakes and rivers. This amphibian has an unusual appearance with bulging eyes, webbed feet, and smooth skin.

They have a life span of up to 15 years in captivity and feed on live prey such as worms and insects. Though they may look strange and awkward, these creatures are adorable and can be endearing if given a chance.
Black Rain Frog
The black rain frog is an amphibian native to Central and South America. It’s characterized by its short, stout body and smooth, jet-black skin. This unusual-looking creature has a protruding snout, a wide mouth, and large, black eyes.

It’s a nocturnal animal that spends most of its time burrowing in the ground, emerging only at night to feed on worms and insects. The black rain frog is a fascinating creature to keep and watch in captivity, and it’s sure to put a smile on your face with its unique and quirky appearance.
Turtle Frog
The turtle frog is a unique amphibian that has an appearance reminiscent of a turtle. Its body is dome-shaped and is covered with hardened, scaly skin in shades of brown and yellow. The most notable feature of this species is the ridge that runs along its back, giving it the illusion of having a shell.

This species is found in tropical and subtropical regions, near ponds, rivers, and lakes. They’re nocturnal animals and feed on insects, mollusks, and crustaceans. With their unusual physical appearance, they don’t have conventional good looks but appear oddly adorable.
Naked Mole Rat
The naked mole rat is a strange-looking creature with a wrinkled, hairless body and prominent buck teeth. Although they may not be the prettiest of animals, these small rodents have an undeniable cuteness.

Naked mole rats are social animals and like to interact with each other. They’re also surprisingly intelligent and can learn complex behaviors. These rodents typically live for around 30 years, making them one of the longest-living small mammals on Earth. Despite their plain appearance, the ugly yet cute naked mole rat is a fascinating creature that has captured the hearts of many!
Sea Pig
Meet the sea pig, one of the ugliest yet cutest creatures in the ocean. The sea pig looks like a cross between a pig and an eel, with its long and slender body covered in tiny, soft hairs. The pig’s eyes are on either side of its head, with two tentacles near its nose.

Sea pigs are scavengers and feed on debris found in the ocean, such as seaweed and other invertebrates. Despite their unusual appearance, they’re endearing, and many people find them oddly cute.
The platypus is a unique creature seen as adorable and ugly simultaneously. It has a flat, duck-like bill, webbed feet, and a furry brown body. The platypus also has a poisonous spur on the back of each hind leg, used for defense.

This marsupial mammal is found mainly in Eastern Australia and is known for its excellent swimming and diving skills. Despite their seemingly awkward and off-putting appearance, platypuses are incredibly cute and endearing when seen up close. It’s no wonder they’re so loved!
Snub-Nosed Monkey
This comical creature is a species of Old World monkey and is most well-known for its stubby nose. Although it’s not the prettiest of animals, its funny-looking face and comical demeanor make it all the more endearing. Its fur is generally gray or yellowish-brown in color with a lighter underbelly, giving it an almost teddy bear-like quality.

Its big eyes are framed with white fur, giving it a sad but cute expression. With its round belly and long tail, this animal might look awkward to some but will surely bring a smile to many others.
The wombat is a marsupial native to Australia. It’s stocky, short-legged, and usually gray or brown. It has a short muzzle, a broad, rounded head, and tiny ears. The wombat’s front paws are strong and equipped with long sharp claws, which they use to dig burrows.

Its clumsy movements, friendly personality, and playful nature make it hard not to love these fuzzy creatures. Although the wombat is often labeled as an ugly animal, it has an adorable quality that makes it a unique and loveable creature.
Jumping Spider
The ugly yet cute jumping spider is undoubtedly a unique creature. Its long legs and beady eyes make it look bizarre, but it’s still quite adorable. Found mainly in tropical climates, this spider species is known for its agility, allowing them to jump from branch to branch and even from tree to tree.

While they may be off-putting, they’re fascinating to observe and can even be friends if handled carefully. With their strange looks and magnetic behavior, the jumping spider deserves its place among the cutest of animals!
Celestial Eye Goldfish
The celestial eye goldfish is one of the world’s most unique and interesting-looking fish. With slim bodies and large eyes that look like they’re staring right at you, it’s hard to deny how cute they are. The golden color and deep red scales make them stand out in a crowd.

Though they may appear ugly at first glance, their interesting features make them an eye-catching addition to any aquarium. Their unique eyes are sensitive, so keeping their tank’s water clean is essential.
Irrawaddy Dolphin
The Irrawaddy dolphin is an ugly yet cute marine mammal found in the shallow coastal waters of the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal. The most recognizable feature of the Irrawaddy dolphin is its large, bulbous forehead, which gives them an odd but still endearing look.

They have long, rounded bodies and flippers, with a tail fin slightly curved at the tip. Despite their ugly exterior, these dolphins are incredibly intelligent and can be trained to perform tasks. While usually ugly to look at, they indeed look cute while doing all the intelligent acts.
Yeti Crab
The Yeti crab is an unusual-looking crustacean in deep sea waters near the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. With long, thin antennae and bright white setae covering its body, it’s a strange sight. Despite its less-than-appealing appearance, this crab still looks cute and endearing with its big eyes and fluffy exterior.

Its gentle nature means it can be easily kept in captivity, which is why it’s becoming popular among aquariums. Even though it may be ugly, it still has a certain charm that makes it hard not to love.
Patagonian Mara
The Patagonian mara is one of the ugliest animals in the world, yet they still seem irresistibly cute. The Patagonian mara is a large rodent in Argentina and Chile with short front legs, long hind legs, and a rabbit-like head. They’re usually grey or brown, with sharp ears, long whiskers, and black eyes.

Although they look pretty unappealing, they’re endearing when interacting with humans and each other. These ugly yet cute animals will surely melt your heart with their big eyes and goofy expressions!
Pink Fairy Armadillo
The pink fairy armadillo, or Chlamyphorus Truncates, is an odd-looking little mammal native to parts of South America. It’s the smallest species of armadillo, measuring only three to four inches long and weighing less than four ounces. This creature has pinkish-gray fur, a yellowish-white underside, and a long slender snout used for digging for food.

Even though it looks a bit strange, the pink fairy armadillo has an undeniable cuteness. With its small size, big eyes, and scuttling movements, it’s no wonder why people find it so appealing.
Tufted Deer
The tufted deer is an odd-looking animal with unique antlers resembling a crest. Its large, protruding eyes make it almost comical, while its long, tufted tail adds to its curious look. This mammal also has long canine teeth extending past its lower lip.

Despite its somewhat bizarre appearance, the tufted deer is undeniably cute! These little mammals have soft, dark fur contrasting with the white fur on their neck and chin, making them all the more endearing. It’s easy to see why they’re beloved by many, despite their ugliness.
Green Anole
The green anole is a small and unassuming lizard that looks like it belongs in a cartoon rather than in the wild. Its skinny body and enormous eyes give it a comical appearance, but its vibrant green color is surprisingly attractive.

These lizards enjoy basking in the sun and catching insects for dinner. They’re timid creatures and easily startled, so you must be extra careful if you want to observe them. Despite its ugly looks, the green anole is surprisingly cute and makes an excellent pet for reptile lovers.
Chinese Crested Dog
The Chinese crested dog has a unique look described as ugly yet cute. With their almost hairless bodies and funny faces, these dogs are sure to bring a smile to your face. These puppies were bred to be lapdogs, so they have a sweet nature and happily follow their owners around the house.

They may be small, but they have big hearts and love to show affection. Whether you’re looking for a companion or a show dog, this breed will steal your heart!
The warthog may not be the prettiest animal, but it’s unique. These large, wild pigs have a distinct appearance due to their thickly ridged faces and long legs. Their thick, muscular body is covered in coarse hair and tusks protruding from their mouth.

Despite their intimidating looks, warthogs are gentle animals who live in herds and graze on grass. Even though they might look rough around the edges, warthogs are cute when you get to know them!
Hammerhead Bat
The hammerhead bat is an adorable mammal found in the South Pacific region. It has a unique, flattened skull with a large, curved snout. This little bat’s ears are long and shaped like a triangle, while its wingspan can range from four to six inches wide.

They’re primarily active during the night and are known to feed on fruit and insects. Despite its strange and unusual features, the hammerhead bat has become an iconic symbol of cuteness, thanks to its large eyes, comical face, and soft fur.
Naked Neck Chickens
Naked-neck chickens are unique-looking birds! These chickens, sometimes referred to as Turken, have a distinctively naked neck with no feathers and scaly, yellow skin. They also have short legs and small combs, and some have muffs and beards.

They’re hardy birds, well suited to outdoor living, and can tolerate extreme weather. While these birds may look a little unusual with their naked necks and different coloring, it’s hard not to find them endearing.
Baby Rhino
It’s hard to look at a baby rhino and not see its cuteness. Despite their large size, their wrinkled skin, short legs, and big ears, they’re still irresistibly adorable. Baby rhinos are surprisingly clumsy and uncoordinated, but their movements only add to their overall charm.

In addition to their physical cuteness, baby rhinos also possess an endearing innocence and gentle nature that’s heartwarming and amusing. Despite their large size, they’re delicate and kind creatures who’ll never fail to make you smile.
Pygmy Hippo
Pygmy hippos are the rarest species of hippopotamus. They’re unique creatures with unique features. Their skin is a mottled grayish-brown, and their eyes are tiny compared to other hippos. While they may not have the same kind of beauty that a more traditional hippo has, they still have an undeniable charm.

They’re surprisingly agile creatures, despite their lumbering size. While they may be ugly, these animals still carry a certain cuteness that undoubtedly makes them memorable.
Emperor Tamarin Monkey
The emperor tamarin monkey is a species of primates found in South America, most notably in the Amazon rainforest. Despite its name, the emperor tamarin monkey is relatively small, ranging between 11-20 inches tall and weighing less than one pound.

It has a grayish-white face with a distinctive mustache, giving it an unusual look. Its hands and feet are dark brown, but its belly is white. The emperor tamarin monkey is considered ugly, but there’s no denying it’s cute and endearing.
Baby Aardvark
The baby aardvark is an animal that looks like it came straight out of a cartoon. Despite its unappealing appearance, the baby aardvark has a certain cuteness that can’t be denied. With its small ears, wide eyes, and long snout, the baby aardvark is almost as strange as it is cute.

Although they aren’t much to look at, baby aardvarks have prominent personalities and can be pretty playful. This unique creature may not be the most beautiful animal in the world, but it certainly has a charm that makes it stand out from the rest.
These creatures may be small but they’re big on the cuteness scale. The tarsier is an intriguing tiny primate found in tropical and subtropical habitats of Southeast Asia. With its bulging eyes, long tail, and wild tuft of fur, the tarsier looks like a cross between a miniature gremlin and a tiny Ewok.

Its oversized eyes and ears give it a look that makes it hard not to think of them as something out of a children’s cartoon. They’re small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but their large eyes make them seem larger than life.
Possums are the cutest creatures you can find in the animal kingdom. They have a unique look that’s both ugly and adorable at the same time. The possum has a long snout, beady eyes, and a thick tail that looks like a rat’s.

Possums also have funny-looking faces with bald heads and big ears. They’re nocturnal animals found in forests or urban areas in North America. Possums may be ugly, but they’re too cute to resist!
Baby Bat
Baby bats may not be the cutest creatures, but they have a unique charm. These creatures are sure to make you smile with their small, furry bodies, big ears, and wide eyes. Although bats are known for their frightening nature, baby bats couldn’t be less threatening.

They look even more innocent than most baby animals due to their size and lack of sharp teeth or claws. While these bats may seem scary to some, it’s hard to deny their cuteness. With their huge eyes and adorably wrinkled faces, baby bats are some of the most lovable little critters.
Griffon Vulture
The griffon vulture, also known as the Eurasian Griffon, is an unappealing bird in appearance, but they’re still quite lovable. With its white head, bald neck, and mottled brown plumage, it looks more like a washed-up feather pillow than a bird of prey.

They use thermal currents to fly for hours without expending energy. Interestingly, these birds can recognize their kind from afar. Their endearing quality is undoubtedly their bravery when it comes to survival. So, while they may not be aesthetically pleasing, the ugly yet cute griffon vulture deserves to be celebrated and admired.
The anteater is undoubtedly an odd-looking creature. With its long nose and small eyes, this animal may appear unappealing at first glance. But take a closer look, and you’ll see that the anteater has an unusual charm.

Its long snout is perfect for reaching into anthills and termite mounds for food. Its spiny fur helps to protect it from predators, and it even has solid and clawed feet to help it dig through the dirt. While it may not be a traditional beauty, the anteater’s unique features make it an undeniably cute creature.
Pugs are undeniably the cutest of the ugly yet cute animals! With their wrinkly faces, curled tails, and big eyes, it’s impossible not to fall in love with these furry little creatures. Though they may have an unconventional appearance, pugs are some of the most loving and affectionate pets you’ll ever encounter.

Despite their odd looks, pugs are surprisingly cuddly and can be trained easily. So, if you’re looking for an ugly yet cute pet that’ll bring great joy, then a pug is perfect.
The emu is one of the ugliest birds in the world, yet it’s still adorable. With its oversized neck and shaggy feathers, the emu looks like a comical bird created from a bizarre imagination. Its brownish-gray feathers are uniquely patterned with white and black speckles.

Emus are considered exceptionally social creatures who prefer to flock in groups of six or more. Despite their looks, there’s no doubt that the emu is a fascinating creature that can bring joy to anyone who takes the time to get to know them.
The aye-aye is a unique animal found in Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. They’re nocturnal and have an unmistakable appearance with big eyes, long fingers, and a long tail. These little primates are cute despite their rather unusual and sometimes unsettling look.

Although they may look odd, they’re endearing with their bulging eyes and curious nature. Aye-ayes are extremely rare, so if you ever get to see one, take a moment to admire its cuteness.
Proboscis Monkey
The proboscis monkey is one of the most distinctive animals out there. The most notable feature of these monkeys is their incredibly long and wide nose, which makes them instantly recognizable. They also have a pot belly, long limbs, and a large tail. They’re mainly arboreal and use their long limbs to swing through canopies.

Despite their comically ugly appearance, proboscis monkeys are pretty endearing and have a wide range of facial expressions that are quite endearing. They also have a very loud vocalization and can be heard calling out to each other from miles away.
Giant African Bullfrog
With a length of up to eight inches, the giant African bullfrog is the largest frog in Africa. The giant African bullfrog is not a pretty sight to behold – they have mottled grayish or olive-green skin and can be covered with warts, growths, and spines.

Their diet consists mainly of insects and spiders. While they may not be the cutest frog around, their unique features and large size make them an attractive species for pet owners. Like any pet, though, proper care should be taken to ensure that the environment meets the needs of these frogs.
Rock Hyrax
The rock hyrax is an incredibly unique-looking animal. It has a large, bulky body, a round head, and a pointy snout. Its fur is usually a mottled grey-brown, which helps to camouflage it among rocks. Rock hyraxes have small ears and very short tails. They’re roughly the size of a small house cat.

Although they have a reputation for being aggressive, they’re pretty friendly and often curious about humans. They may be ugly, but they’re also undeniably cute – especially when they gather together in groups!
The shoebill is an unusual species of bird that’s incredibly ugly yet strangely attractive. With its vast beak and bulbous eyes, it’s no wonder why the shoebill has earned its unique nickname – the “shoe-billed stork.”

This bird preys upon large aquatic animals such as fish, snakes, and even baby crocodiles! Despite its intimidating reputation, the shoebill has a distinct charm that can’t be denied. With its bald head and huge bill, the shoebill is surprisingly endearing, and many find them irresistibly cute.
Woermann’s Fruit Bat
This small, round bat is native to the tropical forests of Central Africa. It has soft, brown fur with a yellowish tinge on its belly. The Woermann’s fruit bat is well-known for its ugly face and fat, snub-nosed nose, giving it an adorable yet hideous look.

Its eyes are large and round, and its wings are long and delicate. It’s an excellent flyer and can soar long distances in search of food. The Woermann’s fruit bat may not be one of the most beautiful creatures, but its unique charm certainly makes up for it!
The gerenuk is one of the ugliest yet cutest animals you’ll ever see. Its name comes from the Somali language, meaning “giraffe-necked” due to its unique long neck. The gerenuk has a small head, long legs, and an incredibly elongated neck, giving it an amusingly disproportioned look.

Its large ears, positioned on the sides of its head in a triangular shape, help with its keen hearing. Despite its peculiar appearance, the gerenuk is a surprisingly cute animal that looks like something out of a cartoon!
Nile Crocodile
The Nile crocodile is fierce and intimidatingly ugly, but that doesn’t mean it’s not adorable. With its long snout and bumpy scales, it has a unique and surprisingly cute charm. Although it can grow up to 15 feet long, the Nile crocodile is remarkably graceful and delicate in its movements.

While it can be a dangerous predator, it’s also a beautiful animal with golden brown scales that shimmer in the sun and eyes that appear almost human. Despite its intimidating appearance, something undeniably sweet about the Nile crocodile makes it incredibly endearing.
The ostrich is an unusual-looking creature, with its long neck and legs, bald head, and tiny eyes. It’s one of the ugliest birds you’ll ever see. But believe it or not, this sizeable flightless bird has a certain charm.

Despite its plain appearance, the ostrich’s smooth feathers and bright colors add a bit of life to its otherwise dull look. On top of that, its long legs give it an endearing comical quality. The ostrich’s strange appeal makes it a unique animal that’s hard not to love.
Three-Horned Chameleon
This animal, belonging to the Chamaeleonidae family, may be one of the most peculiar-looking creatures you’ve ever seen. It has a unique three-horned head and armor-like skin. Its long tail is also quite noticeable, especially when the chameleon moves through the bushes.

Its color can vary from green to brown, or grey, depending on its environment and required protection. Its slow movement and excellent camouflage make it an exciting creature to observe in its natural habitat. Despite its somewhat unattractive looks, this unique species is loved by many people.
Thorny Dragon
The thorny dragon is an ugly yet undeniably cute reptile that can be found in the Australian Outback. It’s a small, spiny creature with two horns protruding from its head and a grumpy demeanor.

In addition to its impressive spines and unique tail, the thorny dragon has strong claws and hind legs, allowing it to climb and dig into the sand for shelter. If you ever find yourself in the Australian Outback, don’t be afraid of this ugly yet cute creature!
Saiga Antelope
The saiga antelope is an animal that looks like it was designed by a five-year-old, but this unique creature has managed to become one of the most endearing animals out there. With its big nose and bulbous eyes, the saiga antelope looks comically cute, and its uniqueness has led many to fall in love with it.

This antelope sports a thick coat of fur, enabling it to survive in low temperatures. The saiga antelope is an ugly yet cute creature and a fantastic survivor who has overcome numerous challenges to remain on the planet.
35+ Of The Most Peaceful Dog Breeds
When deciding which pooch is best for your porch there’s a lot of factors to take into account. If you’re looking for a calm dog to snuggle up with at the end of the day, you’ve come to the right place.
The Fun Sized Japanese Chin
These dogs are fun sized without being too much to handle. That being said, they are a very friendly and social dog breed, known for often following their owners around the house, earning them the nickname of the “velcro dog.”

Bolognese, But Not the Pasta
Normally when we hear “bolognese” we think of delicious pasta, but it turns out it’s also the name of a breed of dog as well! The reason we probably hadn’t heard of this dog until very recently was that it’s still a pretty rare breed in the United States. It’s too bad that’s the case because they are a very calm small dog that’s great to have for people who love lap dogs, but want something that’s much less yappy.

The Playful English Toy Spaniel
This dog is similar to its big cousin, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Like many lap dogs, they require much less time at the park or chasing the ball, and instead enjoy curling up on their owners’ laps. The English Toy Spaniel does require some maintenance though – some people recommend that you brush them twice a week at least. Other than that, they don’t need a whole lot more. Being a rare breed, it may take some time and effort to find one.

The Very Gentle Shih Tzu
Considered to be a very devoted companion, the Shih Tzu is one that will follow their owners around the house like they’re tied to them with an invisible rope. But they won’t cause a commotion doing it. The Shih Tzu’s teddy bear-like appearance is complemented by a surprisingly big boned structure, meaning that if you have rough little ones at home, they’re unlikely to do any harm to this cute little guy. Their fluffy hair makes them suited to cold weather.

The Dog World Clown, Pugs
As the title suggests, these dogs could very well be considered the clowns of the dog world for their love of play and their confident, goofy, lovable personalities. They are dogs that love to show off to their owners, so having one could likely mean that you’ll have a dog who could perform lots of neat tricks. While they’re still pretty low maintenance in terms of grooming and exercise, they do need a short walk at least once during the day.

The Calmest Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel
This is the kind of dog that you can take with you anywhere. Whether you live in the bustling city, or a calm, rural region, these dogs do great just about anywhere. While still part of the spaniel family, these dogs don’t have that same excitable energy that is common with that kind of dog. Outside, these dogs love to show off their howl and bark, but inside they tend to remain a very calm and docile breed.

Another Spaniel, the Clumber Spaniel
Thought that the Sussex Spaniel was the calmest Spaniel breed you were going to ever find on this list? Well, think again! The Clumber Spaniel isn’t the most active of all dogs – in fact, it could adequately be described as a complete couch potato. Don’t get this dog if you’re looking for a guard dog either. The Clumber Spaniel is so friendly and so calm, that any burglar who breaks in will be greeted with a tail wag and a lick.

The Easy Going Basset Hound
These dogs have such a cute face that even marketers and advertising agencies often use them in commercials to great effect! The Basset Hound is a very easy going pet, and a natural to have at home for someone who’s got a lot going on in their lives. Their exercise requirements are pretty minimal – a light stroll around the block should do the trick – and they don’t need much grooming either. Their backs are pretty fragile though, so play gently.

The Actually Happy English Bulldogs
You might not be able to tell by just looking at their faces, but the English Bulldog is quite possibly one of the happiest breeds that we have on this list. They’re usually most full of joy when they’re lying in a sunny spot or on their favorite place on the couch. The English Bulldog also has a very friendly personality and is often very happy to see your friends come over so they can introduce themselves. They’re great with kids, too.

Not a Mop, a Bergamasco
While this dog isn’t necessarily the calmest of the bunch, they are extremely independent and require minimal attention in order to be perfectly happy. What do we mean by this? Well, the Bergamasco is a herding dog, meaning it was bred to help farmers herd other animals, like sheep and goats. Because of this, the Bergamasco has developed the ability to work independently and enjoys problem-solving without having their owners standing over them barking directions at them. Plus, they look super cute!

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Just looking at that adorable face, it’s a pretty safe bet to assume that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is one of the most gentle and sweetest dogs that anyone looking for a calm breed could get. Whether you’re looking for a companion to share a daily walk with you, or a dog that’s going to snuggle up next to you on the couch, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the breed for you. Not only that, but they’re also great around kids!

It’s the Super Fast Greyhound
It’s almost like these dogs have multiple personalities. When the Greyhound is inside, it loves nothing more than finding a comfortable spot to lay down and stretch out. But pen the front door and let it outside… well, good luck catching it. The Greyhound was built for speed, and it can run seemingly non-stop through wide-open spaces, which it loves to do. As a house dog they have a shy and timid personality and won’t get in the way.

The Very Devoted Great Pyrenees
As we said in the title, if you’re looking for loyalty and devotion in a dog, then look no further than the Great Pyrenees. This dog is very friendly towards its family and very gentle with children, but will often be wary of other dogs and strangers who will likely want to pet this gentle giant. That being said, we’ve gotta warn you to watch out for that fur. They tend to shed, so a good brushing will often help keep it under control.

The Big Ol’ Scottish Deerhound
Coming in as one of the biggest on this list, the Scottish Deerhound is perfect for people who love a big dog, but don’t want one that’s going to make a mess or demand all of their time. Much like the Greyhound, these dogs are very calm when indoors, but let them outside and watch them move! They are also great to have if you’re a social person, as they love being around people, children, and even other dogs.

The Loyal and Trustworthy Leonberger
These dogs have struck one of the best balances when it comes to being both friendly and protective. They will generally take a cue from their owners as to how they should behave around other people, and while they are not quite as defensive as dogs bred specifically for guarding, they do make an excellent watchdog. They do require a bit of exercise though, usually nothing more than a daily walk or just letting them run around and enjoy themselves when outdoors.

Newfoundland, Dog World’s Gentle Giant
Looking for a dog that’s always going to be there for you no matter what? Well, the Newfoundland is that dog! Gentle, calm, and patient, these dog breeds love everything and everyone and are generally a pretty relaxed and easy going breed. These dogs do require both exercise and breeding, and they also love to go for a swim every now and again, so try and take them with you next time you go visit your favorite lake or river.

The Loyal Dogue de Bordeaux
Considered by many to be one of the most loyal of breeds, the Dogue de Bordeaux loves to be as close to their owners as possible so they can make sure that nothing bad ever happens to them. That has a lot of perks, but some downsides as well. They’re not going to be so relaxed when people they don’t know stop by the house, and they’re generally a bit wary of other dogs they might meet at the park.

Bullmastiffs Are Considered Very Calm
Bullmastiff might cause some people to imagine this huge, hulking animal ready to stop a burglar at a moment’s notice. The reality is that the opposite probably couldn’t be more true. While these guys can get pretty big, the Bullmastiff is one of the calmest dogs that any prospective owner will likely ever encounter. In fact, their way of stopping someone from breaking in would most likely be to walk over and just put the person’s arm in their mouth.

The Very Lovable Neapolitan Mastiff
Like many other mastiffs, the Neapolitan Mastiff was bred primarily for the purpose of guarding the family. So why would we put them on the calm dogs list you may be asking? Well, they are totally calm when they’re around their family. They absolutely love kids and have no problem being around them all day. That being said, they’re a big dog, so be sure to keep your eye on them when they’re playing with the precious little ones.

The Towering Great Dane
The main thing this dog is going to need is lots of indoor space! These dogs are considered to be one of the tallest breeds, and they’re not shy about looking for lots of open spaces inside to stretch out those long legs. Those legs will be needing some exercise though, but thankfully not too much. A quick walk about once a day should do the trick. Other than that, they’re very low maintenance when it comes to grooming.

The Large & Low Energy St. Bernard
Not only are these dogs incredibly docile and calm, but even when they’re up and walking around, you might be half convinced that they’re actually sleep walking. These dogs love their family and are eager to please, but they’re definitely not the dog to get if you’re considering finding a breed that you can actively play with. Thankfully, that means that they don’t need too much in the way of exercise either, usually finding satisfaction with a short walk or run. The ret of the time, they’ll be happy to be your giant teddy bear.

The Intelligent Bernese Mountain Dog
Considered one of the calmest dog breeds, these dogs have the rare gift of being both very easy going while also having the intelligence of a working dog. According to the American Kennel Club, “their gentle, easygoing manner and the need to be close to their people makes them a good fit for families.” That actually could be why these dogs love games and sports, anything to get their hearts pumping and their minds racing. They’re definitely a family-friendly dog.

It’s the Sometimes Unpredictably Chihuahua
Chihuahua personalities can vary widely, but what puts this dog on the list is their capacity to learn and respond to training. That means that while these dogs do have a lot of energy, they also make excellent companions, and with a little work, can be trained to be a much more calm and obedient dog. They are considered to have “terrier like qualities,” meaning they love to chase and can sometimes be a little bit aggressive if you’re not careful.

Laid Back Chinese Crested Dog
Many have described them as being a bit odd and funny looking, but these dogs can be the perfect companion to those who love small dogs with only a medium amount of energy. We say medium because, while these dogs do make wonderful lap sitting companions, they will devote a large percentage of their energy to making sure that their owners are happy with them. You’ll get the best of both worlds here, a dog that loves to relax and play with you.

The Equally Relaxed French Bulldog
Much like their English companions, the French bulldog is an equally relaxed breed that makes for both a wonderful and entertaining companion. That could be for many reasons, ranging from that adorably wrinkled face and perky ears to their hilarious personalities, which they use to try and please their family by providing constant entertainment. Various animal organizations recommend this dog to anyone, from the person who’s working hard and living on their own, to a family with several small children.

The Glen of Imaal Terrier
Both scruffy and filled with personality, these dogs are considered by both Animal Planet and the American Kennel Club as one of the calmest of all terriers. But of course, that description is relative, since terriers are by nature a pretty energetic type of dog. While considered to be “somewhat active,” they are definitely not as excitable as other terriers. That being said, they’re best for people who have a yard, as they love activities like digging and exploring.

Calm and Dignified Irish Wolfhound
Like many other dogs on this list, the Irish Wolfhound is a big fan of the outdoors, using its large lean body to run at remarkable speeds. Take them inside though, and you’ve got a total couch potato of a dog, one that’s not going to go tearing up your house. This is great for the athletic person who might have a job that takes them out of the house most of the day. Together, you and your dog can enjoy a morning walk.

The Very Fluffy Japanese Chin
Both very laid back and very entertaining to have around the house, the Japanese Chin is arguably one of the best dogs for people who love having a very calm dog around. According to Animal Planet, “They’re a very dignified breed with two major exceptions. Those short snouts mean they make a distinctive ‘snizzle’ sound, which sounds something like a backwards sneeze. And there’s nothing dignified about the ‘Chin spin,’ when this playful pup stands on back legs and twirls.”

The Accomplished Pekingese
These dogs are so calm and trainable that many institutions actually use them for various forms of work. One of the most common uses for these dogs’ remarkable personalities is therapy work such as visiting hospitals, nursing homes, or other locations where people could use a cute canine companion to help calm them down in stressful situations. These dogs usually also grow to be affectionate and loyal, and are considered to be a dignified animal.

Xoloitzcuintli AKA “Xolo”
Talk about a tough name for a breed! These dogs actually originate in Mexico, and in the United States they’ve been given the nickname “Xolo” since most people (us included) are intimidated by a name that not only starts with “x” but is also fourteen letters long! These dogs come in three different sizes, starting at toy and then getting progressively bigger in miniature and standard size. These dogs are hairless, meaning the grooming is low maintenance, and are considered to be “calm, tranquil, aloof, and attentive.”

The Postcard-Worthy Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever is voted the most popular dog breed in the US, based on its friendly, intelligent, and gentle personality. This Lab can be found in black, yellow, or a chocolate color and each one is just as cute as the next.

Labs are also great at playing and fetching balls because of their link to the sporting dog group. So, not only are those furry friends great for companionship but they are the perfect pet for families with kids.
The Curious Yet Cute Beagle
Many have described Beagles as good-natured rebels who enjoy entertaining their owners. Beagles are bred to hunt in packs so they thoroughly enjoy companionship and are loyal pets as well.

Due to their smooth coats, this dog is low maintenance to physically take care of and full of inquisitiveness. Their curious yet soft nature makes them a great fit for a family dog. So, if you want a warmhearted dog with some spunk, opt for the sweet-faced Beagle.
The Russian Borzoi
This dog is also referred to as a Russian Hunting Sighthound because they are descendants of working dogs from people who migrated to Russia before the 17th century. The Borzoi hound’s temperament is known to be quiet, respectful, and independent, which is all the makings of a perfect pet.

Plus, they come in all colors so you can choose which hue suits your preference. The Borzoi is also from an aristocratic breed so they are good-natured, laid-back, and very peaceful.
The Touchy-Feely Vizsla
This golden rust-colored dog is also known as a Hungarian Pointer and was bred to be a hunting dog who can provide manual labor. Due to this, the Vizsla is very obedient, easily trained, and is respectful to its owner.

Their temperament is said to be sensitive yet self-assured, which aids in their ability to form close relations with people. The Vizsla is nicknamed a “Velcro” hound because of its tactile nature. In addition to their rare coloring, their soft coat requires little maintenance.
Toilet Paper Model, the Golden Retriever
The people-pleasing Golden Retriever is one of the most popular family dogs. In addition to their love and affection, Retrievers also have model looks which have scored them the coveted spot on many toilet paper adverts.

The Golden Retriever is no doubt a golden breed. They are known to be helpful in a variety of activities from search and rescue work to being great ball-catches when it comes to playing time.
The Meme-Worthy Shiba Inu
Like Shiba Inu is recognized as one of the most popular dogs due to their likeness used in online memes. They are a Japanese breed of hunting dog and are known to be small and alert dogs that despite their petite package, have a strong-willed nature.

This makes them well-suited to hike long trails or even mountains. Their colors range from red to cream and even black sesame. Additionally, their temperament is known to be warm, gentle, and confident.
Warm Greetings From the Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
This pure-breed terrier is originally from Ireland and is known for its different coat types, American or Irish. Generally-speaking, the Irish coat is wavier and lighter than the American. They are celebrated for their “wheaten greeting” which is their kind bark when meeting people.

Due to their devoted, intelligent, and affectionate nature, they make great family additions. Wheatens are also known to be hypoallergenic which makes them a fit for owners who have allergy issues.
The Originally American, Australian Shepherd
Despite their Aussie name, this breed developed mostly in the US. The Australian Shepherd is renowned for its good-natured, protective, and intelligent temperament, which makes them well-rounded to families with children or other dogs.

Aussies are also one of the smartest dog breeds, with their climate flexibility and easy-to-train nature. However, they require physical maintenance due to their eye issues and shedding fur. In addition, they cannot be left alone for long due to their strong bond with their owners.
The Film Star, Collie
The Collie family consists of bearded collies, border collies, and the rough collie from the classic movie, Lassie. All the Collie breeds share the same sweet and gentle natures. They are so easy to train due to their smart and sensitive temperament, but because they are a stubborn dog, training is advised.

Another great attribute of a Collie is their ability to predict their owner’s needs. This instinctual gift is what makes them such good watchdogs.
The Gracious Saluki
This long-distance running dog is a member of the sighthound family, and while known for speed, the Saluki is as quiet as they come. Their gentle, reserved yet intelligent nature, makes them a great pet option. However, they are known for not being the easiest to train due to their need for independence.

The Saluki’s greatest qualities lie in its devoted loyalty to its owner and its aristocratic grace. Who doesn’t want a dog with more grace than most humans?
The Strong-Willed Rhodesian Ridgeback
Rhodesian Ridgebacks are great because not only do they tend not to bark, but they hardly even snore either. They are known for being very loyal and intelligent, which can sometimes cause them to avoid interacting with strangers. That being said, if you’ve never owned a dog before, this breed isn’t generally recommended. Having both a strong will and a lot of confidence, these dogs need some serious training in order to do some basic traits.

Extra Friendly Irish Setter
Don’t get the Irish Setter if you’re looking for a guard dog. Not only do these dogs rarely bark, but they’re quick to bond with strangers and are in general just extremely lovable. While not being the best patrol dog for your house, their calm and friendly personalities make them a great dog to have for families or people who love entertaining. They are a hunting dog though, so you might want to think twice if you have small animals.

A Great Guard, Shar Pei
While the Irish Setter might not be the best for guarding, the Shar Pei would more than make up for it. These dogs are super quiet, but watch out when they do bark. These dogs will only make noise when something is off, so if you hear them, then you can usually be sure that something is really wrong. Their downside might be socialization – get them young and introduce them to children if you plan on getting a Shar Pei.

Sleek and Shiny Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound is typically defined by its long, fine, and silky coat, which helped it to survive the harsh and cold mountains of Afghanistan. These dogs have evolved in those mountains and as a result they are extremely athletic, able to run fast and turn on a dime. These dogs do require quite a bit of grooming, but other than that they don’t need much in the way of exercise, nor do they make a whole lot of noise.

Chinook Is Great for Sledding
Yes you read that right, this kind of dog was developed in New Hampshire as a sled dog. The Chinook is actually quite rare outside of the state, but in New Hampshire, they’re so loved that they have become the state’s official dog. While they’re a pretty quiet and loyal pup, they are active once you get them outside. One of their habits that can drive owners crazy is their penchant for digging up lawns and other areas.

Do you ever look at an animal and think it’s so ugly yet so cute? If so, you’re not alone! From sloths to geese, there are plenty of animals that, while not conventionally attractive, have a certain charm that makes them strangely adorable. While these animals may not be the most beautiful creatures in the animal kingdom, they still charm us with their unique features and quirky personalities. Here, we’ll look at 45 animals that are so ugly yet so cute!