Tiny house living is getting more and more popular as both a budget-friendly and eco-friendly alternative of lifestyle. But in that minimalist lifestyle, you would be forced to give up a few regular conveniences. But advanced technology is the savior here, offering a range of smaller yet efficient home appliances. Check out these smart and cool gadgets to make the most of the limited space in your tiny house.
Portable Coffee Maker
If you fall under that category of instant-powder haters but are also unable to fit a full-sized coffee machine on the kitchen counter space of your tiny house, there is no need to worry anymore! You won’t miss your daily kick of morning caffeine with this portable coffee maker. This ingenious portable product can make as many cuppas as you want with just a touch of a button. Saving your space, it can easily be tucked away in any corner or even in a drawer. Moreover, you can carry the machine pretty much everywhere.

It’s true that nothing can replace the scent of ink on paper. But books take up a lot of space, especially if you love to collect them. It’s quite a headache in a tiny house. E-readers like Kindle can come in handy here. Owning an E-reader means having your own digital library and being able to carry and access multiple books in one place. It just takes up less space than a paperback in your room. And to be practical, it’s an eco-friendly solution, too!
Handheld Cordless Vacuum
One of the perks of living in a tiny house is that, you have a smaller area to clean. But you will still need your home cleaning appliances anyway. So, it’s practical to get space-saving compact cleaning tools in this case. Try this mini handheld vacuum, which is quick and effective in cleaning small corners or places where regular bulky vacuums can’t possibly reach. With powerful batteries, these cordless vacuum cleaners can operate longer and clean up more debris. Dealing with dirt has never been this handy!
How to Quit a Job Without Losing Your References

Leaving a job on good terms is always a delicate dance. It’s not wise to burn bridges, and you certainly don’t want to lose references, but perhaps there are legitimate issues with the company you work for. So, how do you bow out gracefully?
Don’t Be Afraid to Quit
It’s important to be confident in your decision to quit your job and remember that it’s not the end of your career. There used to be a stigma against employees who left jobs as they were viewed as unreliable. However, that’s changed dramatically with time and employers now respect people who leave workplaces that aren’t serving them. Career educator Christian Lovell explains, “The workforce is changing, and the idea that quitting your job is a career-killing move overlooks the potential for growth that strategic career transitions can bring, both in increasing your salary and skill set.”
Take Advantage of Your Benefits
Make sure you get what you’re rightfully owed, and take full advantage of all your benefits. Lovell suggests, “I always recommend that my clients read their employee handbook so they have a good understanding of their benefits and what they might be leaving behind when they leave their job. Those benefits are yours, and you shouldn’t feel bad about taking advantage of them.”
Express Gratitude
Make sure your employer knows you’re thankful for the opportunity they’ve given you. That said, make it crystal clear that you intend to pursue other opportunities elsewhere. Be firm, but also gracious. Lovell says, “Remember to give two weeks’ notice, if possible, and express gratitude for the opportunities. I encourage professionals that offering to assist with the transition can go a long way in maintaining your professional relationships.”

Keep these strategies in mind to maintain your references when quitting a job, and embark on your new path worry-free!